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24/7 Emergency Hotline 239-360-5207

Broken Ceiling Emergency

  • Broken Ceiling in Bedroom
  • Broken Ceiling Damage in Bedroom
  • Ceiling Damage in Bedroom
  • Ceiling Damage in Bedroom
  • Ceiling Damage From Water in Bedroom

It was a regular Saturday Morning until DryZone received a call for an emergency service in Fort Myers, Florida.

This service call was about a flood which was a little bit different than usual, but nothing that our water damage technicians can not take care of.

While performing our water damage inspection we noticed that the flood was caused because a roofing company was taking the roof apart. Then, the roofers noticed that they were working on the wrong roof due to the fact that they had the incorrect address. When they tried to fix the roof they stepped on a water line in the attic and broke it, making the ceiling collapse, covering the bed and furniture with insulation and broken ceiling pieces.

As soon as we could we removed all the affected crown molding, wet drywall, insulation and debris to start setting equipment for a proper dry out.

It is important for you to know that if disaster damage ever happens to you we are available 24/7 to assist you! You just need to call us at (239) 360-5207.

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